ANDANTE Workshops
Technical Workshops organized by ANDANTE (5)
- The 1st Benchmarking workshop online was successfully organized under the umbrella of WP4 at beginning of July 2021.
- Co-organization of the workshop: International Workshop on “Edge Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Applications (EAI4IA)”, aside the IJCAI-ECCAI 2022 conference, on July 24th-25th, 2022, in Vienna, Austria organized by the three ECSEL projects: ANDANTE, AI4DI and TEMPO In this workshop ANDANTE organized the Session “Verification, Validation and Benchmarking of AI Systems and Technologies”. ANDANTE partners presented three papers.
- Co-organization of the International Workshop on “Embedded Artificial Intelligence (EAI) – Devices, Systems, and Industrial Applications”, in the frame of the ESSCIRC, in Milan, Italy on September 19th, 2022 organized by the three ECSEL projects: ANDANTE, AI4DI and TEMPO. In this workshop, ANDANTE presented results on AI design tools and two designs done in the project. These presentations are backed up by three papers authored by ANDANTE partners.
- Co-organization of the conference: European EDGE AI Conference held on the 17th-19th of October 2023 in Athens, Greece organized by the large-scale Chips JU/KDT JU EdgeAI project in cooperation with CLEVER, REBECCA, TRISTAN, NEUROKIT2E, LoLiPoP IoT projects, ECSEL JU ANDANTE, AI4CSM, AI4DI, TEMPO projects and INSECTT projects. In this conference, ANDANTE’s objectives and a set of key results were presented through a pitch, six presentations and two posters.
- Co-organization of the workshop: Driving Next Gen Edge AI technologies in the High Performance, Edge And Cloud computing conference 2024 (HiPEAC’2024), on January 17th 2024, in Munich, Germany organized by by Chips JU; EdgeAI, ANDANTE, REBECCA, CLEVER, NEUROKIT2E, and Horizon Europe dAIEDGE projects. In this workshop, ANDANTE participated with five presentations on benchmarking.
Presence in professional or technical fairs and conferences (5)
- EFECS 2020 conference and exhibition November 25th-26th 2020: An ANDANTE booth was set up with 6 posters to disseminate the project activities and progress.
- EFECS 2021 conference and exhibition November 23rd-25th An ANDANTE virtual booth was set up with 4 posters prepared to disseminate the project activities and progress.
- EFECS 2022 conference and exhibition, November 24th-25th 2022 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands: An ANDANTE booth was set up with 6 posters to disseminate the project activities and progress.
- European Conference on EDGE AI Technologies and Applications (EEAI), October 17th-19th, 2023 in Athens, Greece. 2 posters to disseminate the project activities and progress.
- Chip JU launch event 2023 conference and Walk of Fame exhibition, November 30th and December 1st in Brussels, Belgium, The ANDANTE booth was set up with a video providing an overview of ANDANTE as well as two posters showing the activities and a set of main results.
The ANDANTE consortium is aware of the following benchmarking issues:
- Accurately assessing the performance of Edge AI technologies in real-world conditions has become increasingly complex.
- The inherent heterogeneity of edge devices, varying workloads due to application diversity, and the lack of standardized evaluation methodologies have given rise to a critical need for comprehensive benchmarking solutions.
To address these issues, the ANDANTE consortium decided to organize an annual benchmarking workshop as a primary objective to identify existing requirements and barriers that hinder the benchmarking of Edge AI systems and develop methodologies and tools to enable fair and reliable assessment of performance across various use cases and domains. By establishing key metrics, test scenarios, and evaluation methodologies, ANDANTE seeks to contribute to defining the standardized solutions that the community needs to make informed choices regarding the adoption of Edge AI technologies and, ultimately, accelerating the deployment of Edge AI into real-world applications.
Third Benchmarking Workshop (17th of January 17, 2024)
ANDANTE will hold its third benchmarking workshop as part of the “International Workshop on High Performance, Edge And Cloud computing (HiPEAC)”, on the 17th of January 2024, in Munich, Germany. Inside this conference, benchmarking will be addressed in the “Driving...
European EDGE AI Conference held on the 17th-19th of October 2023 in Athens, Greece
European Conference on EDGE AI Technologies and Applications – EEAI Edge artificial intelligence (AI) combines AI, the Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing technologies to provide real-time collection, processing, analytics, and decision-making. The edge AI...
International Workshop on Embedded Artificial Intelligence – Devices, Systems, and Industrial Applications (19th of September 2022)
The International Workshop on Embedded Artificial Intelligence (EAI) - Devices, Systems, and Industrial Applications was part of the ESSCIRC ESSDERC 2022 European Solid-state Circuits and Devices Conference was held in Milan, Italy, on the 19th of September 2022. The...
International Workshop on Edge Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Applications (25th-26th of July, 2022)
The International Workshop on Edge Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Applications (EAI4IA) was held durint 25 and 26 July 2022, in Vienna Austria. The EAI4IA Workshop was co-organised by three large-scale ECSEL JU projects: AI4DI, ANDANTE and TEMPO, being...
Second Benchmarking Workshop (25th-26th of July, 2022)
ANDANTE held its second benchmarking workshop as part of the “International Workshop on Advanced Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Applications (EAI4IA)”, on the 25th-26th of July, 2022, in Vienna, Austria. The AI4IA Workshop was co-organised by three large-scale...
First Benchmarking Workshop (2nd of July, 2021)
ANDANTE held its first benchmarking workshop online on the 2nd of July, 2021. The workshop was held online, and it was dedicated to discussing current benchmarking methods and how ANDANTE should approach benchmarking work comparative analysis throughout the project....