The International Workshop on Embedded Artificial Intelligence (EAI) – Devices, Systems, and Industrial Applications was part of the ESSCIRC ESSDERC 2022 European Solid-state Circuits and Devices Conference was held in Milan, Italy, on the 19th of September 2022. The EAI workshop was co-organised by three ECSEL JU projects, AI4DI, ANDANTE, and TEMPO. ANDANTE’s Project Coordinator was one of the co-chairs of the EAI Workshop.

The goal of the EAI Workshop was to generate knowledge exchange among experts and professionals interested in advances in AI circuits and device design, AI hardware architectures, industrial edge AI technologies, toolchains and applications.
The workshop featured a total of 13 presentations, the following four were given by members of the ANDANTE consortium.
- Loreto Mateu, Johannes Leugering, Roland Müller, Yogesh Patil, Maen Mallah, Marco Breiling and Ferdinand Pscheidl
“Tools and Methodologies for Edge-AI Mixed-Signal Inference Accelerators” - Sourav De, Sunanda Thunder, David Lehninger, Michael P.M. Jank, Maximilian Lederer, Yannick Raffel, Konrad Seidel, and Thomas Kämpfe“Low-Power Vertically Stacked One Time Programmable Multi-bit IGZO-Based BEOL Compatible Ferroelectric TFT Memory Devices with Lifelong Retention for Monolithic 3D-Inference Engine Applications”.
- Ivan Miro-Panades, Inna Kucher, Vincent Lorrain, and Alexandre Valentian“Meeting the Latency and Energy Constraints on Timing-critical Edge-AI Systems”.
- Hannah Bos and Dylan Muir
“Sub-mW Neuromorphic SNN Audio Processing Applications with Rockpool and Xylo”
The corresponding papers were published in the workshop proceedings “Embedded Artificial Intelligence: Device, Embedded Systems and Industrial Application”, River Publishers, May 2023.
(link to the workshop proceedings):