EFECS 2020 was held online, due to COVID-19 pandemic, on the 25th-26th of November. ANDANTE participated for the first time in this event through a virtual booth. As the project started on the 1st of June 2020, four posters were prepared to give a detailed project overview. The content of these posters describes:
- Edge domain system architecture: The contribution of the project in the development of advanced and intelligent components for highly efficient solutions in the Edge domain.
- Value chain and participants: It described the four main pillars:
- eNVM technologies: OxRAM, PCM, FeFET and SOT-RAM.
- IC design: AI Methods and tools required to design different AI architectures using different techniques, which also includes the design of Fundament IPs.
- Platforms: The design of ASICs, SoCs and FPGAs based on Artificial and Spiking Neural Networks architectures as well as the platforms to validate the circuits.
- Applications: It lists the Edge applications selected to demonstrate the capabilities and performances of the components developed in the project.
- Edge applications areas: Digital industry, digital farming, transport and smart mobility, healthcare, and digital society.
- Consortium members: It shows the logos of the consortium members and their countries.