ANDANTE at European Forum for Electronic Components and Systems (EFECS) 2020, 2021, and 2022.
EFECS is the international forum along the Electronic Components and Systems value chain in Europe. The organizers of this yearly event, AENEAS, ARTEMIS-IA/INSIDE, EPoSS, ECSEL/KDT Joint Undertaking and the European Commission, in association with PENTA/XECS EUREKA and BMBF, joined forces to bring all stakeholders together. EFECS provides numerous opportunities to learn more about the latest developments, cooperation, and funding possibilities in the ECS Community.
EFECS 2020 was held online, due to COVID-19 pandemic, on the 25th-26th of November. ANDANTE participated for the first time in this event through a virtual booth. As the project started on the 1st of June 2020, four posters were prepared to give a detailed project overview. The content of these posters describes:
- Edge domain system architecture: The contribution of the project in the development of advanced and intelligent components for highly efficient solutions in the Edge domain.
- Value chain and participants: It described the four main pillars:
- eNVM technologies: OxRAM, PCM, FeFET and SOT-RAM.
- IC design: AI Methods and tools required to design different AI architectures using different techniques, which also includes the design of Fundament IPs.
- Platforms: The design of ASICs, SoCs and FPGAs based on Artificial and Spiking Neural Networks architectures as well as the platforms to validate the circuits.
- Applications: It lists the Edge applications selected to demonstrate the capabilities and performances of the components developed in the project.
- Edge applications areas: Digital industry, digital farming, transport and smart mobility, healthcare, and digital society.
Consortium members: It shows the logos of the consortium members and their countries.