+33 (0)6 85 22 07 25 mario.diaznava@st.com


2 July 2021

First Benchmarking Workshop (2 July 2021)

ANDANTE organized its first benchmarking workshop on 2 July 2021. The workshop was held online, and it was devoted to discussing current benchmarking methods and how ANDANTE should approach benchmarking works across the whole project. Benchmarking is as necessary as challenging for ANDANTE, given the diversity of neural network accelerators and the fact that the adaptation of the algorithm to the hardware is critical to performance.
Agenda of the workshop

The organizing committee of the workshop was formed by Andrea Dunbar (CSEM), Stefano Traferro (IMEC), Rodrigo Martín (Fraunhofer/IIS) and Dylan Muir (SynSense). 29 participants took part of the workshop coming from 17 different partners.